SMS Marketing is a marketing activity in the form of sending messages. In addition to the purpose of advertising as a custom, the other purposes of sms Marketing are almost “constant”.
These “constants” are probably using some of them. For example, activate electronic warranty, look up bank account information, participate in voting programs, win lottery, … The main purpose is to quickly market, increase revenue, retain customers. line.
SMS Brandname:
The message has a brand name in the sender section. High identification value. But only support one-way messages (send only). SMs Brandname is the only form of permission to send advertising messages.
SMS LongCode:
The number of messages is long, has identification value, low cost, supports two-way messaging (send-receive). The value of identification is not less than SMS Brandname. Do not allow advertising texting. Esim technology application should be able to receive and send
SMS Gateway
Short-digit message switchboard, responding simultaneously to a large number of messages, looking up information automatically without manipulating personnel. Customers only use 1 message with a given syntax to get the desired benefit. When using SMS Gateway, the message is answered almost immediately.
Deposit service, can be carried out anytime and anywhere with an internet connection. Recharge for subscribers of all prepaid and postpaid domestic operators. Recharge online services, buy online goods, buy game cards, … SMS Topup wants to deposit money from bank accounts, which requires that the account must register internet banking service.
Benefits of SMS Marketing

Notifications about promotions, discounts, new arrivals, projects … with brandname can be website domain name or business brand.

APIs for programmers can integrate messaging services into any system – software – language.

Happy birthday messages to customers, order confirmation, activation code …

Call center solution for customers to proactively message in the prescribed syntax to participate in voting programs, participate in prizes, activate the service.

Actively broadcast calls to customers instead of messages, applications to read the activation code, call reminders for a variety of customers.

Customer support messages can reply and view the reply content.
Highly personalized : Messages sent to each subscriber. Through SMS programming, the recipient’s name can be mentioned in the message. Message content also emphasizes personal factors “this message is only for …”. The content of the message sent to the recipient before sending has been considered in accordance with the recipient. This can be done by SMS because the database is a real, well-informed database.
Low cost high efficiency : Enterprises spend a few hundred dong a message. Instant message to customers. The conversion rate of SMS is higher than other forms of database collection. Thus, the rate of revenue on high cost.
Quality database : This is guaranteed by the nature of each form of SMS Marketing. For example, customers using SMS Brandname service will send the quality database. Using SMS LongCode is the same, the database is provided by the network. For SMS Gateway, customers proactively send messages so the database gets the best quality. This factor also confirms once again using low cost effective SMS Marketing.
Raising the brand value : SMS Brandname or SMS LongCode has the nominal value. The ability to identify brands via SMS is faster and less costly. Brand value is also enhanced through the process of re-purchasing, buying more, and retaining customers through customer care programs.
High and fast access rate : This is the basic feature of the most common SMS service. Messages are always sent to a certain phone number. If businesses use unreliable SMS services, this rate will decrease significantly because the database is not quality. The database source that SMS uses is from the whitelist of network operators. Therefore, the message is not blocked.
- Need to combine SMS with other marketing methods to achieve higher efficiency. Or at the same time use from 2 SMS Marketing services for higher efficiency.
- Make a survey by message. Customer psychology is more comfortable when surveying by text messaging than long written survey.
- Keep track of past SMS campaigns to choose when to text effectively. Answer to the question: When is texting effective? How much time do customers spend reading news and feedback?
Above is the general knowledge about SMS Marketing . Enterprises have more effective tools for marketing campaigns. Understand the form of marketing SMS, help businesses make the most suitable marketing plan.